Bickal Koi Farm: Koi House Blog
Tosai Tategoi Tank
Oct 4, 2007
I am out of room, all these koi and nowhere to put them. I had a little floor space that I could use so I decided to construct a 3rd smaller tank. The big tank is for my breeders, the medium tank that I constructed last year is for my sellable koi, and this tank will be for my Tosai Tategoi (A koi which will get better as it grows).

I started by ripping up the floor where my desk was, and I am building a third tank. It will be 4'6"x5'6"x3' deep (500 gallons). This uses up the last of the floor space. Any additional tanks will have to go condo.

Oct 12, 2007
Digging is completed. I removed about 130 cubic feet of dirt (a 9x5x3deep area). All the dirt had to be hauled by wheelborrow and dumped. I had to reroute the 2 valves and and all plumbing from the medium tank. I hooked the bottom drain of this new pool into on of the other settling chambers, so I had to dismantel it a bit also.

Oct 14, 2007
Here is the new tank (lower right) in relation to the other Medium sized one. The new pumphouse/valve chamber in the lower left.

In this picture the 3" bottom drain piping is in. It connects to the settling chamber on the left side. There is a 2" line coming out of the settling chamber and it is the line the pump draws from.

The 2" line running horizontally is the return line back to the pond.

The return line hits a TEE. Half of the flow flow will go to a 55 gallon barrel of broiling K1 which will sit in the corner. The other half of the flow will go to another 55 gallon barrel in the other corner of the building to the other tank. I had to get pretty creative cutting the styrafoam because of the irregularly shaped cement walls.
Pond is full of water and ready for trimming. Finished dimensions are 4'6" x 5'6" x 32" deep. Estimated 500 gallons. This pond will share water with the Medium pond. Flow rate should be around 2000gph.

Oct 14, 2007
The liner is installed and the tank is filled full of water.

Oct 18, 2007
The edges are capped off, and a 55 gallon barrel filter is installed. The barrel contains 2 cubic feet of Kaldness (k1) which is kept in motion (broiled) by about 25LPM of air.

Nov 14, 2007
The pond is fully operational. It contains 300 koi in the 3-6" size. Jump shields have been installed to keep the koi from jumping out.

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