Koi Health
Quarantine Protocol
We don't allow any new koi or plants into Bickal Koi Farm waters. We dont mix our koi with other fish such as Game Fish, or Paddlefish or Hi Fin Sharks. This significantly reduces the possibility that one of our koi can contract bacteria, parasites or virus. We are a Koi Farm, not a Fisherie!
Scrape & Scope
We regularly take scrapings from our koi and review them under the microscope for parasites. You must identify a parasite before you can treat for it. You cannot eliminate a parasites unless you understand it and its lifecycle.
Virus Testing
We follows Murphy's Law of "what can happen will happen". It could be a frog, turtle, duck, or other animal, since the possibility exists that something can make it into the waters on our farm by way of mother nature, we regularly have our fish tested for Diseases by Dr. Kevin Novak at the Loyola University in Chicago. Here is our current Health Certificate.
Water Testing
We test our water weekly for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, KH (carbonate hardness) and PH. This ensures that all water quality parameters are optimum for the health of our koi.